University of Waterloo Tape Music Club
A place to collaborate, improvise, learn,
explore, and have fun with music at
the University of Waterloo.
University of Waterloo Tape Music Club
A place to collaborate, improvise, learn,
explore, and have fun with music at
the University of Waterloo.
Thursdays, 3-4pm, join the UWTMC Zoom call/hangout to listen to a record (on vinyl) and take time for your creative practice, in whatever form that is for you.
UWTMC will pick the album, you bring yourself and take the hour to care for your creative well being. Once both sides of the record are done, maybe we'll chat and share a bit, too. To build some community. Music starts at 3:03pm sharp! No pressure, just come, leave your camera off and listen to some cool ambient music while taking time for you. Put it in your calendar and block the time so nobody takes it from you!
Just email Matt Borland, mjborlan (at) uwaterloo.ca.