University of Waterloo Tape Music Club
A place to collaborate, improvise, learn,
explore, and have fun with music at
the University of Waterloo.
University of Waterloo Tape Music Club
A place to collaborate, improvise, learn,
explore, and have fun with music at
the University of Waterloo.
For Winter 2019 there will be five different sessions, with each topic/workshop
being run once at UW and once at Critical Media Lab at Communitech. The content
of the sessions will be the same, so you don't need to come to both (but would be welcome to).
Each session should stand alone, so if you can only make 1 or 2, that's totally fine.
If you can make it, and have a laptop, bring it along. A laptop isn't required, but would help for some sessions.
UW sessions run 7-9pm on Tuesdays in E5-6002 on UW main campus.
CML sessions run 5-7pm on Tuesdays in the CML space in Communitech at the Tannery, 151 Charles St. W., Kitchener, Ontario.
Listening: Jan. 14 @ UW, Jan. 22 @ Communitech
- improvisation and listening exercises for electronic musicians
- an intro to what UWTMC is about and the goal of these sessions
Synthesis: Jan. 28 @ UW, Feb. 5 @ Communitech
- intro and demo additive and subtractive synthesis
- coding synthesizers in SuperCollider, download it here: https://supercollider.github.io/
- download sample files for the session here: SC Synth Files
Soundscape: Feb. 11 @ UW, Feb.26th @Communitech
- found sounds, music without rhythm, noise, and drone music
- building soundscapes and performance approaches for this kind of music
- Mac/Win people can download Soundplant from soundplant.org
- Linux people can follow the install instructions for CasterSoundboard
or just install from the linux store on your system
- download a set of sample files here:
UWTMC W2019 Samples (1.3 GB)
or a smaller set:
UWTMC W2019 Samples (0.3 GB)
NOTE Feb. 18/19th is Reading Week, so no sessions will be held that week.
Gesture: Feb. 25 @ UW, Mar. 5 @ Communitech
- gesture in musical performance and graphic notation to capture those gestures
- non-traditional controllers that require new musical gestures
Depiction: Mar. 11 @ UW, Mar. 19 @ Communitech
- non-computer based visualization for music and performance
- storytelling and other approaches to enhance sound performance
Extra session:
Public Performance! Date and location To Be Determined!
Just email Matt Borland, mjborlan (at) uwaterloo.ca.