University of Waterloo Tape Music Club
A place to collaborate, improvise, learn,
explore, and have fun with music at
the University of Waterloo.
University of Waterloo Tape Music Club
A place to collaborate, improvise, learn,
explore, and have fun with music at
the University of Waterloo.
WTMC (the original KW-based tape music club) has a Cymatic show at the Walper, May 31st!
This is ticketed, so you have to buy in advance if you want to be there, May 31st, 8pm:
Between the Ears 2019
UWTMC Band Practice - Dr. Megabyte Test-Run - Monday, June 10th, 7-9pm at UW in the E7 6th floor atrium. This will be a chance to come connect with other music people and try out the installation Dr. Megabyte is doing. There will be some hands-on elements, but this is more of an "engage in an experience and provide some feedback and tweak things" kind of event. The first thirty minutes will be just experiencing and engaging with what the Dr. has set up, after that you can mess around and have some fun with him...if you dare.
The True North Conference will see the Dr. Megabyte Installation using your sounds on
June 20th at 44 Gaukel in DTK. NOTE - the time listed is not correct! It will be in the
evening, 6-8pm.
UWTMC Super-Friend, Gurpreet Chana, will also be performing at True North on June 19th!
Soundscape and Synthesis for Electronic Music @ Kitchener Public Library!
NOTE: These are repeat offerings of the sessions run in Winter 2019 at UW and CML@Comunitech,
so if you've already done them, they'll probably be a bit boring.
Workshop 1 - Soundscape:
KPL Signup for Workshop 1
Workshop 2 - Synthesis:
KPL Signup for Workshop 2
You have to officially sign up on the KPL website if you want to go to those two! Seats are limited!
That's everything UWTMC and associated people will be doing for the summer. More dedicated series of events will happen in the fall. Have a great summer and see you out there!
Just email Matt Borland, mjborlan (at) uwaterloo.ca.